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Our blog aims to provide useful information about plumbing. From DIY plumbing tips, to what to do in a plumbing emergency and changing a tap washer to tips. Some of our most popular posts include how to troubleshoot a korky fill valve, how to install a grab bar in a fiberglass shower, cleaning a siphon jet, removing a Moen kitchen faucet, tankless water heater temperature fluctuations and how much water does a shower use. We hope you find it to be a useful resource, should you have any questions, please get in touch!

How to Replace a Bathroom Faucet

How to Replace a Bathroom Faucet

There’s no need to have the whole bathroom refitted just because you’re starting to get bored of the same old style, as making small changes like an upgraded new faucet will make all the difference. You’ll be surprised by how something so small can completely transform the look of your bathroom.

If you are renovating your bathroom, you’ll likely already be aware of how quickly costs can start to add up. Doing some of the smaller jobs yourself is a great way to cut costs and keep the overall budget much lower, and you’ll pick up some useful skills along the way.

So, don’t fancy forking out for a professional plumber to come out and do a job as simple as replacing an old or leaky faucet? Ignore your fears about flooding the bathroom, because changing a faucet is actually much easier than you might think and it’s something that can be done in just a couple of hours, so no need to set aside a whole day for it.

We’re talking about bathroom faucets in this article, but the same principles we’re about to share with you apply when you’re replacing a faucet in your kitchen as well.

How Much Water Does A Shower Use?

How Much Water Does A Shower Use?

Have you ever been showering and had a sudden thought of how much water a shower uses?

While many people assume that showering uses less water in comparison to a bath, is this true? Or, does taking a shower use up a lot of water?

In this article, we will be taking a closer look at how much water a shower uses. We will consider different types of showers and how water-efficient they are.

How To Remove a Moen Kitchen Faucet

How To Remove a Moen Kitchen Faucet

At some point, every kitchen needs a make-over. Whether it’s because they’ve grown tired and old, or because of wear and tear things have stopped working the way they used to and they just need to be freshened up a little.

Whatever the reason is, there will come a time when you’ll seriously need to consider removing and replacing your Moen kitchen faucets.

Thinking about replacing your Moen faucets can be a little scary and you’ll probably start reaching for your phone to track down a reliable plumber, call them and pay the professionals to do it for you.

How To Unclog A Double Kitchen Sink With Standing Water

How To Unclog A Double Kitchen Sink With Standing Water

There’s something incredibly satisfying about cleaning a kitchen, and after spending a couple of hours scrubbing, steaming, and washing everything down, the feeling that you get when you stand back and admire your handiwork is worth its weight in gold.

It’s a euphoric joy that we’re all more than familiar with, and the more we experience it, the more we crave it.

But even if you dedicate every waking hour to pursuing that feeling, sometimes even the cleanest kitchen can up falling victim to the annoying, frustrating, and completely unavoidable trauma of a blocked sink.

And the only thing worse than a blocked sink is a blocked double sink.

How Long Does it Take for a Water Heater to Heat Up

How Long Does it Take for a Water Heater to Heat Up

Waiting for your water heater to heat up can be a really frustrating experience. There’s almost nothing more annoying than getting ready for a nice hot bath or shower, only to discover that there’s no hot water!

As you flip the switch on your water heater or boiler, you’ll probably be wondering exactly how long it takes for a water heater to heat up.

How To Test A Water Heater Element

How To Test A Water Heater Element

When it comes to your home, you want everything to be in tip-top shape at all times. Having hot water in our homes has become a vital part of our lives, from our morning shower to washing your child’s favorite blanket.

However, sometimes things go wrong. You may find your taps spitting out little more than lukewarm or that your shower just isn’t melting off your skin like it used to. You can often rectify this by turning the heat up. If this does not work, one of your heating elements in your water heater might be broken.

You can test these before replacing them with the use of a multimeter tool. The small tool tests the electrical current running through metal. They are widely available, so if your water is malfunctioning, grab a multimeter and keep reading to know how to test water heater element!

Shower Faucet Types

Shower Faucet Types

When we are redesigning our bathrooms or shower rooms, there can be many decor points to get excited about such as the paint color, bathroom rugs, flooring and tiles, and even toothbrush holders!

You may not think that the shower faucet itself is anything to get excited about but that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially given the wealth of choice you have when it comes to choosing one.

Not only can faucets for showers be chosen based on the valve (this determines the type of showerhead or faucet you can have), but also you can choose one based on preference and design. By preference, we mean how you want the shower to feel on your body.

Yes, that’s right! Long gone are the days where the only showers available produced a slow trickle of water. Now there are so many options to choose from and you can really personalize the water flow.

In this article, we are going to be giving you the lowdown on all things shower faucet-related. We will be going into detail about all of the different types of shower faucets and what they may be best suited for.

How To Install A Kitchen Faucet

How To Install A Kitchen Faucet

There are a lot of choices to be made when you need to replace a kitchen faucet for any reason. There are a lot of styles nowadays to choose from and there are different types of faucets too. So before you rush out to buy and replace a kitchen faucet you need to know...

How To Fix A Leaky Kitchen Faucet

How To Fix A Leaky Kitchen Faucet

One of the most common plumbing problems people have to deal with is a leaky faucet. Wherever the leaking is happening it adds up to a lot of water for one year, if it is from a hot tap you are also wasting the cost of heating the water that is just dripping down a...

How To Change A Faucet Washer

How To Change A Faucet Washer

Tired of listening to a dripping faucet? Perhaps also tired of paying for water that is literally going straight down the drain?! Having a leaky faucet is a common problem and is something someone with some knowledge and basic tools can handle. Here is a look at how...

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