You’re about to enjoy a relaxing shower when suddenly, you notice something unsettling – a mysterious black substance oozing out of your shower drain. What is this unsightly gunk? Is it harmful? How did it get there, and more importantly, how can you get rid of it?

Let’s answer a few It’s not uncommon to find black stuff coming out of shower drain. The good thing is that the black stuff won’t harm you. In fact, this problem can easily be solved in most cases. If these options don’t work, you might need to simply contact a local plumber.

Key Takeaways

The black stuff coming out of the shower drain is typically a mixture of hair, oil, soap scum, and other debris that has accumulated and mixed with bacteria, turning black. Regular cleaning with drain cleaners or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar can help remove this buildup.

Why and what is the black stuff coming out of shower drain?

This black stuff could be hair, oil, or soap scum buildup that has been lurking in the drain pipes and is making its way back into the shower. But what exactly is it? There can be a few reasons that a person might see black stuff coming out of their shower drain. Here are some things to consider if you notice this happening in your home.

The source of clog can turn black

Clogs are made of biological material that turns black and comes up the drain. This material is usually a mix of hair, skin cells, and oils which turn black due to bacteria. When these materials collect in your drain, they can form a clog.

If you have a clog in your drain, you can try using a plunger to push the clog through the pipe, or you can use a snake to try to clear it out.

Damaged pipes

Do you use any harsh cleaners or chemicals on the bathroom floor? If so, they may be leaching into the pipes and causing damage.

The black stuff coming out of your shower drain is not a good sign. It means that you are using too many harsh chemicals to clean the bathroom and they are damaging the drain pipes.

You should change up how you clean the bathtub, toilet, sink, or any other surfaces where the water goes down the drain. The less harsh cleaners will do just fine.

High water pressure

One potential cause of a clogged shower drain is high water pressure.

Have you noticed an increase in water pressure recently? The increased water flow could also cause debris from inside the drainpipe to come loose and back up into your bathtub or shower stall.

When the force of the water pushes against any debris in your pipes, it can create suction that pulls more and more dirt into the pipe.

The result is an increasingly backed-up plumbing system with less space for drainage.

To avoid this issue, install a low-flow faucet aerator or use less hot water when taking showers to lower how much pressure you’re exerting on those pipes.

Hair and soap scum buildup

Is there something stuck in your plumbing systems such as hair and soap scum? These can accumulate over time and create clogs which will eventually cause blockages leading to all sorts of problems in the drain.

You can find a product that will dissolve it, or you can use baking soda to do the job if necessary.

No matter what your choice of cleaning method, make sure you clean out the entire sludge from your shower drain on a regular basis for the best results.

Rust scales in the plumbing system

The black gunk flowing out of your shower drain could be due to corrosion in your plumbing system.

Over time, water may start to corrode the metal pipes and cause them to rust which can lead to clogs that are difficult or impossible for you to clean on your own.

This problem can be avoided with regular maintenance from a professional plumber who specializes in this type of work.

It’s also important to know what kind of pipe material was used in the plumbing and avoid certain bathroom cleaners that can corrode the pipes.

This will also help you have an idea of whether or not you may experience serious problems in the future like the bursting of pipes.

How do you get black gunk out of the shower drain?

We all know the black stuff that comes out of our shower drain is gross and disgusting. But what exactly is it?

It’s a mixture of oils, hair, soap scum, dirt, bacteria, and other things you don’t want to think about.

Thankfully there are some easy ways to keep your drains from getting clogged with this goop so you can have cleaner showers without.

  • Shower drain cleaners

One of the most common reasons for slow and clogged drains is hair. At times, hair might not easily dissolve no matter how much baking soda and vinegar you use.

If this sounds like your problem then try using a shower cleaner with enzymes like Green Gobbler Enzymes Cleaner that breaks up the hair as well as dissolves the grease or soap scum in the drain.

You can also use other products such as Drano Max Gel Clog Remover, CLR, or Clorox Drain Cleaner, which will remove even old, tough clogs in just one treatment. It’s ok to leave Drano to sit overnight however it’s not recommended by everyone so be sure to read the directions on the bottle first.

It’s worth trying these methods first before calling out a plumber who may charge hourly rates or worse yet tell you he needs to dig up your pipes to correct the issue.

See also: What happens if you leave liquid plumber in too long

  • Baking soda and vinegar

You might be tempted to use harsh chemicals and expensive products to unclog the drain but the most effective solutions lie right in your kitchen cabinets such as baking soda and vinegar.

Baking soda is great because it reacts with vinegar to create a reaction that will break up stubborn fats, oils, and soap scum from the pipes.

All you need to do is pour baking soda down the pipe followed by some hot water (not boiling) and then add enough white vinegar to make it bubble.

Let them sit overnight while they work their magic on that pesky black stuff in your plumbing system. The next morning, just clean the drain and rinse thoroughly with enough water.

See also: How to clean clogged shower head without vinegar


It doesn’t matter if you have a traditional bathtub or a modern shower; clogged drains are an all-too-common problem. If you have black stuff coming up from your shower drain, it is likely due to the build-up of hair and soap scum.


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You can most likely fix the problem using a drain cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Also, pouring hot water down the drain can help to clean up all the sludge buildup in your pipes.

If this doesn’t dissolve the black specs coming out of your drain, try some drain plumbing tools or reach out to a plumber for drain cleaning services.